Woman In Business Outfit Kneeling Down On Yoga Matt In Office Setting


Discover the benefits yoga can have on you and your kids

So you are new to YOGA but are curious and yet apprehensive about how to get started? Why not share the experience and get your kids involved as well?

We all understand that YOGA is incredibly beneficial and popular, but if you Google the word ‘YOGA’, you’ll get a search result of 1,870,000, 000!

Why does something that claims to be so simple have so many options?

As a CEO, your work and pressures are complicated enough that now you have to compare yourself to internet gurus who are more flexible than Gumby?! Why can’t there just be a simple yet effective system for beginners that you can start at your own pace in your home, office, or even with your kids?!


As CEOs, we are trained to make a S.W.O.T analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) when looking at a new project in order to pinpoint what works and what needs fine-tuning.

As Yoda famously said: 

“Do. Or not do. There is no Try.”

IT’S TIME TO S.W.O.T ANALYZE YOURSELFCoffee Cup With Drawing Of SWOT Analysis On Paper Napkin

Strengths: Strong Experienced mindset. As a CEO, I know how to get a project created and completed on time, on budget, and most importantly with quality & impact!

Weaknesses: Limited Time. Time is the rarest commodity and this is not a shareholder mandated priority. Low energy due to constant stress from work, life and raising children, etc.

Opportunities: Personal Growth. Discover a way to get in better shape, improve focus, and if all goes well, have a chance to connect with my child – to spend quality time together doing something that benefits both of us as opposed to only them.

Threats: Constant Interruptions. I travel a lot, have last-minute meetings and emergency issues with work and family that can arise at any moment. 


STEP 1: Find at least 3 locations where you can get complete privacy for at least 10 – 15 minutes a day (Toilet or a car does not count). It can be your bedroom, living room when everyone is out of the house or sleeping (early morning) or office during lunchtime, or any location where you find yourself being comfortable and that is easily accessible so that you don’t have to commute to it.

As an example - You can plan to use your office (lock the door and tell your assistant that you are on a very important conference call – no disturbing no matter what).

STEP 2: Find 2 time-slots per day that can realistically work. We recommend starting first thing in the morning on weekdays and do it consistently (recommend to read The Art of Managing Stress article). Next, find an appropriate timeslot on Weekends to involve your kids at least 2 days a week (Saturday, Sunday).

STEP 3: Involve your kids on weekends to create a bonding exercise and to help them focus their extra energy in the right direction (or lack of energy if they are in their teens). 

5 Tibetan Rites YOGA series

It’s been reported that as a YOGA practice, The 5 Tibetan Rites is more than 2,500 years old. If it has worked for this long, we’re sure it can work wonders for you. The great part about it is that you should start with repetitions as low as 3 and increase them at your own pace.

Each rite is meant to be practiced 21 times a day, but the good news is you should start with 3 and build your way up of a period of weeks.

In your first week, you should practice your rite 3 times a day. Add 2 repetitions per rite the following week. Continue adding 2 reps each week until you’re doing 21 rounds of each rite every day.


Week 1 = 3 rites

Week 2 = 5 rites

Week 3 = 7 rites and so on until you reach the optimal number of 21 rites.

Here's a video to get you started in the right direction.

Now that you understand the rites, it's time to put wishes into action.


This is your time to wake up early and visualize your day and what will be the results. YOGA will play a vital role in helping your mind stay focused.

As an option, you can also have a session during your lunchtime in your office (if privacy permits you) as it will give you time to review your morning and what you need to focus on for the next part of your day.

 Woman On Knees Doing Yoga In Office Setting

The great part is that it will give you the energy boost you need to become even more productive as opposed to feeling sluggish after a big meal.

As a productive idea, try taking 5 minutes to write down the 1 result for the day that you are visualizing. After 7 days, you can easily accomplish a lot by focusing clearly your energy in the right direction. Repeat that by 52 weeks and imagine what you could accomplish!

Start visualizing and performing your rites to get the energy and focus to accomplish more than you ever thought possible!


Mother And Daughter Doing Yoga In Living Room

This is a time to slightly change up your schedule and to lighten up the mood by connecting with you kid(s) rather than visualizing your personal goals. 

This will also be a time to shift your mindset away from work and being more in the moment and present with your family.

It should be noted that introducing kids to YOGA can help them with their memory, concentration, anxiety, stress, calmness, self-esteem, and will improve their overall academic performance. But, most importantly, it will help your kids use their energy in a healthy and productive manner.


The great part of including your YOGA journey with your child is that the pressure of performing perfectly will not be present. If a mistake is done, then no big deal! You both simply laugh it off and try again until you both get it right. It's a common project that you are both learning together. Once you have both achieved it correctly, there will be a sense of accomplishment that both of you can share, thus increasing the bond that you are building.

When doing YOGA with your kids, you can keep your personal ‘rites’ count momentum going while your child can slowly catch up. This will give them the motivation and challenge to keep up with you and also give them a sense of pride once they have achieved the 21 rites level.

Once they reach the 21 rites, both you and your child will have a feeling of togetherness and accomplishment that you both can feel proud about.Mother Smiling To Daughter While Doing Yoga Together In Living Room


After each session, when relaxing and still focused, it could be a good time to catch up over a cup of herbal tea and speak about life issues that matter to you and your child. This can be a great time and way for both of you to open up, connect, and bond.


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